Tala Dental

Dental Hygiene

Oral hygiene is the practice of maintaining dental hygiene by regularly brushing teeth and cleaning in between teeth to prevent dental decay. Regular oral hygiene maintenance is crucial to avoiding dental infections and bad breath.

Even though it has an impact on every aspect of our lives, oral health is frequently disregarded. Your oral cavity may reveal dietary deficiencies or general health problems. Continuous illnesses, those that affect the whole body, may initially manifest as mouth sores or other oral issues.



  • Use Proper Brushing Technique

To keep them clean and healthy, your teeth require more than just a quick brush with your toothbrush. To completely clean every tooth’s interior, exterior, and chewing surfaces, brush your teeth for at least two minutes. Plaque initially forms along the gum line, so it’s important to point the toothbrush’s bristles in this direction when brushing. To remove as much plaque from the gums as logically possible, move the toothbrush in a circular motion.

  • Regularly brushing

Though a lot of individuals brush regularly, they don’t truly brush for long enough to keep their teeth clean. It could be difficult for them to determine how they brush each day. Try this in such a situation. Consider turning on a short song, watching a two-minute YouTube clip, or setting a clock on your phone to give yourself the time required to completely brush your teeth. After that, just begin the procedure. You won’t even be aware of how brilliantly things may turn out.

  • Use suitable flossing

It’s critical to appropriately use floss to reach germs that have been ensconced in the narrow areas between the teeth. Use a piece of floss up to 18 inches long so you may place a new portion between each set of teeth and prevent reinserting the microscopic organisms you just removed. Do not forget to fold the floss over each tooth when you massage it against them in the forward or reversed form.

Oral Hygiene for Infants

As children become older, their dental hygiene routines should also develop. Children get all of their primary (or baby) teeth by the time they are three. Infants start losing their baby teeth around the age of 6, when the permanent teeth start to erupt. The permanent teeth emerge into the gaps left by the baby teeth. The last set of permanent teeth emerges about age 13.

  • After feeding, use a soft washcloth to clean the baby’s gums to get rid of the germs that causes tooth decay.
  • Once their permanent teeth start to erupt, encourage kids to clean their teeth twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • To encourage kids to clean their teeth completely, play a kid’s song for around two minutes.
  • Encourage your youngster to floss frequently to maintain a healthy mouth and avoid cavities.