Tala Dental

Orthodontics Treatment

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with teeth that are misaligned. If a person has an overbite, underbite, overcrowding of teeth, crooked teeth, or a misaligned jaw, they may have difficulty eating or speaking. Orthodontic therapy is recommended in these cases to progressively rearrange the teeth so that they are straighter and more aligned. Orthodontics can also be used to improve a person’s smile for aesthetic reasons.

A person may be born with a malocclusion or a bad bite, or they may grow one as a result of trauma or harmful behaviors, such as thumb-sucking as a youngster. Whatever the problem, it must be addressed as soon as possible. Malocclusion, sometimes known as a “bad bite,” can cause long-term dental health problems.

Orthodontics is important because crooked teeth or bad posture increase the risk of tooth decay and gingivitis. It may be more difficult or painful to floss between some teeth due to an improper bite, which may result in poor dental hygiene and injury to your oral health.

A potent kind of treatment, orthodontics can be used to treat:

  • fill in tooth asymmetry
  • Make sure your jaw and teeth are in the right position.
  • Make teeth more symmetrical.
  • Better oral health (such as eating or speech)
  • Corrige inappropriate bites

Types of Orthodontics:

Metal Braces: Patients using metal braces tend to be young children and adolescents. They work by securing the braces to the teeth and connecting them with a wire. The wire is fastened to the braces using the elastic ties, which come in a range of colours. The orthodontist moves the wire to realign the teeth during your appointments, which are scheduled every 4 to 8 weeks.

Ceramic braces: These clear, tooth-colored gadgets are made of ceramic. They provide a similar purpose to metal braces, although they are less overt and more discreet. Ceramic braces are most frequently chosen by patients who don’t think Invisalign or lingual braces are right for them but still want to straighten their teeth in a covert and affordable way.

Invisalign and Clear Aligners: Patients with mild to moderate dental issues such as misaligned teeth, a wide overbite, no issues with their jaw alignment, or front tooth gaps should consider Invisalign. Patients who had braces when they were younger and simply need a “touch up” should also consider Clear Aligners (open bite). But when it comes to correcting complicated difficulties or needing long-term care, any transparent aligner system, including Invisalign, has significant disadvantages as compared to braces.

Dental X-rays, a plaster cast of the patient’s teeth, and/or a study of their dental history can all be used by dentists to assess whether a patient needs orthodontic therapy. In the event that your dentist recommends orthodontic care, they will direct you to an orthodontist who can design a personalised treatment plan for you. In our dentist community network, we have dentists and orthodontists that can help you with any treatment need.

Utilizing a device that may softly straighten your teeth is a common part of orthodontic treatment approaches. Examples of orthodontic appliances include braces, aligners, retainers, headgear, and Invisalign®. These tools need to be maintained and cared for in order to produce the intended results. Your orthodontist will provide you thorough instructions so that you get the greatest outcomes possible from your treatment.