Tala Dental

Root Canal Treatment

A dental operation known as a root canal eliminates the discomfort that an infected or abscessed tooth causes. The swollen pulp is removed during the root canal procedure. After that, the surfaces within the tooth are cleaned and sterilized, and a filling is put in to close the opening.

A root canal is required when?

When oral germs infect the pulp inside your tooth, root canal therapy is required. When a cavity is neglected for an extended period of time, this typically occurs. It may also happen if a trauma causes your tooth to shatter or become damaged.

What signs could point to the necessity for a root canal procedure?

You might not always be aware if you have an infected tooth. However, several people report a few symptoms. Need for a root canal is indicated by:

  • Persistence of toothache Tooth discomfort can be caused by a variety of dental issues. You could require root canal therapy if you have discomfort deep inside your tooth. Your jaw, cheeks, or other teeth might experience discomfort as well.
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold: If your tooth hurts when you drink hot coffee or eat ice cream, it could mean that you need root canal treatment. This is particularly true if the pain lasts for a long time.
  • Swollen gums: Pus can build up around an infected tooth. Gums may become swollen, puffy, or sensitive as a result.
  • Pimple on the gums: Your gums may start to boil or break out in pimples. An unpleasant taste or odour may result from pus from the affected tooth draining from the pimple.
  • Swollen jaw: Pus may occasionally not discharge from the wound. Your jaw may therefore develop a noticeable swelling.
  • Tooth discoloration: When a tooth’s pulp gets infected, it may result in a darker-looking tooth. This happens as a result of the tooth’s inadequate blood supply.
  • Pain when pressure is applied: If you have pain when you eat or touch your tooth, it could mean the nerves around the pulp are damaged.
  • A chipped or cracked tooth: Bacteria may get all the way into the tooth pulp if you’ve chipped or cracked your tooth due to an accident, physical activity, or even by biting down on something hard.
  • Loose tooth: A tooth that is infected may feel looser. This is because the bone supporting the tooth might become softer due to the pus from the affected pulp.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

  • A tooth that is decaying or has a cavity can be treated in a number of ways. To remove the problematic tooth, some individuals opt tooth extraction. This offers a long-lasting remedy for treating cavities or stopping toothaches in their tracks.
  • The main factor contributing to tooth decay is frequently a pulp infection. Because of the bacterial buildup in this location, the pulp becomes infected. If the infection isn’t treated, the germs that the infected pulp is still harboring might readily spread to nearby teeth.
  • The pulp that is infected must be removed during a root canal. Cleaning the afflicted region and either fitting the tooth with a crown or filling the cavity with a polymer substance are the next steps in the procedure. In order to restore the aesthetic appeal of teeth, crowns are necessary. As a result, anytime they are utilized in a root canal, they assist in restoring both the tooth’s functioning and cosmetic appeal.
  • In contrast to tooth extraction, a root canal preserves the affected tooth. As a result, this method offers an alternative to having the tooth pulled. The jawbone readily deteriorates with lost teeth over time as a result of bacterial exposure and other factors. Therefore, root canals aid in avoiding future jawbone issues.